Terms and Conditions for Eagles Repair:

Before you dive into the awesome antivirus world of Eagles Repair, let’s lay down the rules in a language that’s clear. We want to make sure you’re on the same page, so here are the important details:

By using this website we assume that you accept these terms and conditions. Do not continue to use Eagles Repair if you do not agree to accept all of the terms and conditions stated on this page.

Use of Website:
When you cruise through our Eagles Repair website, you’re in for a ride. By sticking around, you agree to use it by the rules outlined here. If you do not agree to accept these terms and conditions, then you should leave the website.

We might change things on the site now and then. There will be no notification when we change our terms and conditions, therefore, you need to be aware. By browsing here, you’re saying, “I’m okay with whatever Eagles Repair brings into my way.”

Use this website for a good purpose only and stay in the legal way or else you will hear from us.

Commercial use? Please wait. If you’re thinking about using our site for anything business-related, send us a message first. We’re cooperative about it, but let’s make it official.
Guarantee mentioned on this website:
-Eagle Repair provides you with the Antivirus solutions to protect you but we do not give you the guarantee of the 100% protection.
-In case of any online theft, virus, malware or any issue, Eagle Repairs will not be responsible for that.

Eagles Repair Website User Account:
Got your eyes on that premium antivirus experience? You’ll need a user account for our website. Having an account doesn’t automatically make you part of the Eagles Repair membership club, though. Two different things – just so we’re clear.

When you sign up, please provide the correct information. No pretending to be someone else – it’s just not cool. And keep your account info under lock and key. If things go haywire (like a stolen password), give us a shout ASAP.

Your account and the website are not your property; we may have to delete your account if we need to – for reasons like breaking these terms or causing any issue.

Ownership of Website Content and Intellectual Property:
Our website’s content and brainy stuff belong to us or our buddies who’ve given us the thumbs up. Don’t go copying, downloading, or playing with our stuff without asking first. We’re watching!

Our name and trademarks? Hands off unless you’ve got a golden ticket from us. No mix-and-match with other logos, either. We’re like the bouncers at a party – gotta follow the rules to get in.

User Submissions:
What you submit to Eagles Repair, your data is ours now. We may use it as per according to our terms. You are bound to keep it legal and avoid any inappropriate business.

Professional Certifications:
Our certifications are not forever. You have to keep up the good work to keep that gold star. And just so you know, we’re not babysitting the businesses or individuals with our certifications – they’re on their own.

Comparison of the Antivirus softwares:
-Comparison of the various antivirus on this website is only a suggestion by our experts, it does not guarantee you to completely rely on this comparison.

-Please note that the availability of certain features may vary based on the specific product version or subscription plan. It’s always recommended to check the official websites of the antivirus products for the most up-to-date and accurate information.

Disclaimer & Limitation of Liability:
We’re doing our best to keep things accurate, but we’re not perfect. If something goes wrong on the website, we’re not responsible for it. Your use of the site is at your own risk.

Privacy Statement:
We’ve a Privacy Statement, and you should check it. Your use of Eagles Repair means you’re okay with how we handle your personal info.

Third-Party Website:
We’re not the bosses of other websites we link to. They do their thing, and we do ours. We’re not responsible for them – you’re at your own risk there.

Play nice. If you break these terms or interfere with someone’s rights, you’re responsible for it. We’re not taking the blame for your shenanigans.

The Rest of the Legal Dance:
This agreement is the real deal. No partnerships formed – it’s just you and us, agreeing to these terms. If a part of these terms is changed, the rest still stands. We’re playing by US and Canadian law – fair and square.

And one more thing, if you do something wrong, you’re paying for it. We’re not liable for losses or any unauthorized use of your account. You’re responsible for what happens on your watch.